Mastering Javascript  Functions

Mastering Javascript Functions

If you want to become a master at javascript, you need to know how to use functions. Functions are important because they allow you to reuse code, make your code more readable, and make your code more organized. In this blog post, we'll show you how to create and call functions, and we'll also discuss function arguments. By the end, you'll be a javascript pro!

What are the functions?

A function is a code block that is executed when it is called. Functions can be defined in javascript in two ways: function declaration and function expression.

Function declaration:

A function declaration defines a named function. It can be called by its name. The name of the function is optional, but if it is present, it must be unique within the script. If the name is omitted, an anonymous function is created.

Function expression:

A function expression defines an anonymous function. It cannot be called by its name. The name is optional, but if present, it must be unique within the script.

-Why are functions important?

Any Mastering javascript blog would be incomplete without discussing the importance of functions. Functions are integral to the javascript language, and understanding how to use them is crucial for any programmer looking to improve their skills.

There are a few reasons why functions are so important. First, they allow for modularity in code. This means that code can be written in small, independent blocks which can be reused in other parts of the code. This makes code more efficient and easier to read and debug.

Second, functions can take arguments and return values. This lets code interact more freely, and opens a world of possibilities.

Finally, functions can be used to create closures. Closures are a powerful concept in programming, and being able to use them effectively can really take your coding to the next level.

So as you can see, there are many good reasons to make sure you understand how to use functions in javascript. Whether you're just starting out or you're looking to improve your existing skills, taking the time to master functions is definitely worth it.

-How to create a function?

In order to create a function, you must first declare it.Use "function" followed by the name of the function.The function name can be anything you want, but it is often helpful to choose a name that describes what the function does. For example, if we wanted to create a function that calculates the sum of two numbers, we could name it "calcSum".

After the function has been declared, the code that will run when the function is called must be placed within curly brackets {}. For our "calcSum" function, we would need to write code that takes in two numbers and returns their sum.

Once the code for the function has been written, it can be called by simply writing its name followed by parentheses (). For our "calcSum" function, we would call it like this: calcSum(5,10); //returns 15.

It is important to note that functions can take arguments and return values, which allows for more complex interactions between different parts of the code. In our "calcSum" example, we took in two numbers as arguments and returned their sum as a value.

-How to call a function?

There are a few different ways to call a function in javascript. The most common way is to simply write the function's name followed by parentheses (). This will run the code inside the function. Another way to call a function is to use the keyword "new" followed by the function's name. This will create a new instance of the function. Finally, functions can be called using the keyword "eval". This will evaluate the code inside the function and return the result.

-Function arguments

Function arguments are a powerful way to customize the behavior of a function. By default, functions can take up to six arguments. However, more arguments can be added by using the "arguments" keyword. Arguments are passed to a function when the function is called. The order in which the arguments are passed is important. The first argument is always received by the function as "arguments[0]", the second argument is received as "arguments[1]", and so on. Functions can access the arguments passed to them by using the "arguments" keyword. This keyword allows functions to loop through all of the arguments that were passed. Arguments are a powerful way to customize the behavior of a function, but they should be used sparingly. Too many arguments can make a function difficult to understand and use.


In conclusion, functions are an important part of javascript because they allow for modularity, complex interactions, and closures. Functions are used to write code in small, independent blocks which can be reused in other parts of the code. Functions can take arguments and return values, which allows for more complex interactions between different parts of the code. Finally, functions can be used to create closures, which are a powerful concept in programming.