Create 7 react projects by using Hooks

Create 7 react  projects by using Hooks

let's define Hooks :

Hooks are functions that reside within React's functional components and make it easier to "grab" and manipulate state and the various React lifecycle events.

Seven essential hooks practice projects for beginners This series of tasks will assist you in comprehending react hooks.

📌menu: ➡️

📌quiz: ➡️

📌react-form: ➡️

📌shopping-list : ➡️

📌tic-tae-toe: ➡️

📌todo-list: ➡️

📌user-cards: ➡️

React hooks cheatsheet:


React hooks course:

if you wanna learn more about hooks check my previous blog, it will help you a lot.

At the conclusion of these assignments, react js students will have a solid understanding of hooks. I hope these projects provide a good understanding of hooks. If you enjoy them, please share them with your friends.