JavaScript Dates

JavaScript Dates

JavaScript Date objects represent a single moment in time. They can be used to store dates, times, or both. Date objects are different from other objects because they have special methods and properties for manipulating dates and times. Date objects are also different from primitive values, like strings and numbers, because they have different methods and properties.

1. What are JavaScript Date Objects?

JavaScript Date objects represent a single moment in time. They can be used to track the time of an event, or to calculate durations and time intervals. Date objects are created with the new Date() constructor, and can be accessed using various methods and properties.

Date objects are based on a time value that is the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970 UTC. This time value can be passed to a new Date() object as a parameter, or it can be set using methods such as setFullYear(). Once a Date object is created, its internal time value can be retrieved using methods such as getTime().

Date objects contain a variety of methods for manipulating and formatting dates and times. These methods allow you to display dates and times in different formats, to calculate durations and intervals, and to compare dates. You can also use the built-in Math object to perform basic arithmetic operations on dates.

2. What is the difference between Date objects and other objects?

Date objects are a specific type of object in JavaScript. Other objects include things like Array, Boolean, Number, and String objects. Each type of object has its own properties and methods (functions that can be performed on it), which are specific to that type.

Date objects have properties like year, month, and day, which return the corresponding values for the current date. They also have methods like getFullYear() and getMonth(), which return more detailed information about the current date. In contrast, Array objects have properties like length and methods like push() and pop(), while Boolean objects have a single property, value, and no methods.

3. What is the difference between Date objects and primitive values?

Date objects are a specific type of object in JavaScript that have properties like year, month, and day, as well as methods like getFullYear() and getMonth(). They are different from other objects, like Array and Boolean objects, in that each type of object has its own specific properties and methods.

Primitive values are the simplest kind of data structures and include undefined, null, strings, numbers, and booleans. These values are immutable, meaning they cannot be changed. When primitive values are assigned, they are not referenced.

Date objects are mutable, which means that they can be changed. When a Date object is created, it is given a default date and time (Jan 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC). This date and time can be changed by using methods like setFullYear() or setMonth(). In contrast, primitive values like strings and numbers cannot be changed once they have been created.

The main difference between Date objects and primitive values is that Date objects are mutable while primitive values are not. This means that you can change the values of a Date object (like the year or month), but you cannot change the value of a string or number once it has been created.

4. How to create a Date object?

Date objects can be created in a couple different ways in JavaScript. The first way is to create a new Date object using the new keyword and passing in values for the year, month, and day.


The date constructor creates a Date object.This takes in a string representation of a date and creates a Date object from it.

image.png Once you have a Date object, there are a number of methods that you can use to get information about the date or to manipulate it. The most common methods are listed below.

To get a date's year, month, or day, use.getFullYear(), .getMonth(), and .getDate() methods respectively. These methods all return integers representing the corresponding part of the date.

image.png To set the year, month, or day of a Date object, you can use the .setFullYear(), .setMonth(), and .setDate() methods respectively. These methods all take in an integer value representing the corresponding part of the date that you want to set.

5. How to parse a Date object?

Parsing a date object is simple. In fact, there are two ways to do it. The first is to use the new keyword, and the second is to use the Date.parse() method. Let's take a look at both methods.

The new keyword

The first way to parse a date object is to use the new keyword. To do this, simply create a new Date object and pass in the desired date as a string:

var d = new Date("12/25/1995");

This will create a date object with the year, month, and day set to 1995-12-25. You can then use the .getFullYear(), .getMonth(), and .getDate() methods to get information about the date:


The main difference between Date objects and primitive values is that Date objects are mutable while primitive values are not. This means that you can change the values of a Date object (like the year or month), but you cannot change the value of a string or number once it has been created.


Date objects are a type of object that is used to store information about dates. They are different from other objects, like Array and Boolean objects, in that each type of object has its own specific properties and methods. The main difference between Date objects and primitive values is that Date objects are mutable while primitive values are not.

There are two ways to create a Date object in JavaScript. The first is to use the new keyword, and the second is to use the Date.parse() method. You can use the .getFullYear(), .getMonth(), and .getDate() methods to get information about the date, and the .setFullYear(), .setMonth(), and .Set date methods to set the year, month, or day of a Date object.

The new keyword can be used to parse a date object. To do this, create a new Date object and pass in the desired date as a string. This will create a date object with the year, month, and day set to the specified values. You can then use the .getFullYear(), .getMonth(), and .getDate() methods to get information about the date. You can also use the .setFullYear(), .setMonth(), and .setDate() methods set a Date's year, month, or day.